Childcare Fees & Session Times
Our Fees:
- FULL DAY: 8.00AM TO 6.00PM £85.00
- HALF DAY: 8.00AM TO 1.00PM £50.00
- HALF DAY: 1.00PM TO 6.00PM £50.00
The school operates for 51 weeks of the year.
Your child's name will be placed on a waiting list, when the completed registration form is accepted, and the registration fee is paid.
When the place for your child is confirmed, one month’s fees will be payable as a deposit. This will be retained by the school/nursery, to secure the place, for your child, and will be deducted, against the fees, in the last month your child attends WMHC.
Three months notice of withdrawal must be given in writing, before the removal of the child from the nursery/school, to adhere to the above, or one months fees will have to be paid in lieu of notice.
Fees can not be deducted, for absence from nursery/school for any reason including absence for sickness or when on holidays when the nursery/school is open for business.
Fees must be paid on the first day of the month or an interest of 6% will be charged.
Fees can be paid via direct debit or by cheque.
Parents who wish to pay through childcare vouchers, must make arrangements for the fees to be in the school account by the first day of the month. Failure to do so will result in the interest charge as above.